The fundamental explanation is that they feel that the trademark will profit them in their organizations. This is very foolish considering the way that a trademark may as of now be permitted by the law yet this isn't what's going on here. Seems to happen that they need to hinder the utilization of the word 'InDemand' so as to prevent film sweethearts from having the option to watch movies from the organization's online inventory.

They are attempting to battle against the film sweethearts to keep them from having the option to watch the movies that they need. Be that as it may, the organization has an exceptionally solid purpose behind documenting the trademark.
As per them, they have begun another organization that was named InDemand Films that isn't identified with the past one. Be that as it may, this is very false as their portfolio contains a portion of the main movies of the ongoing years like 'Sanjeevani', 'Udta Punjab', 'Dangal', and so forth. As per the organization, the name "InDemand" is famous and their desire to trademark the name didn't prompt any adjustment in the name or the organization's space.
The Trademark Office of India dismisses a great deal of uses as a result of the disappointment of the candidates to demonstrate reality of the application. In this way, the name 'InDemand' was dismissed with the explanation that it was at that point utilized and is possessed by the present proprietor of the name "InDemand Films".
In any case, for what reason should the Indofilm - Watching Movies of Cinema 21 Online Company battle for something like this? For what reason would it be a good idea for them to permit others to hoard their name and have them at war? What sort of a genuine business does it make when one can't possess the name of the organization which is identified with their business?
As per the organization, this is only one case of how they can be exploited by others and it additionally shows that they can't be trusted by different organizations. In this way, they will record the trademark presently to shield themselves and their organizations from being consumed by others.
They would likewise trust that the Trademark Application would be affirmed and that it would assist them with battling against the infringement of different organizations. Be that as it may, the Trademark Application has just been dismissed and they have to fight for themselves by and by.
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